Saturday, 25 August 2007

German antifascist imprisoned (02/08/07)

Christian S., an autonomous antifascist from Berlin is sitting again in prison since the 14th of July. Altogether, he has to serve 40 months. He has been sentenced for breaching the peace in relation to 1 of May 2004, and for the same paragraph for the incidents of the 12 March 2000. For this last offense he obtained a suspended sentenced, but he was called back into prison as soon as he was sentenced again in 2000. Both sentences relate to his active resistance against 2 big marches of neo-nazis through Berlin. He already served several months in jail because of 1 of May 2004, during which his health situation worsened.

Write Christian letters and postcards, send him reading material. Christian can read german, english and get along with spanish.

His current address:
Christian Sommermann, BNR: 727/07/7, JVA Tegel, Seidelstr. 39, 13507 Berlin, Germany

You can support him by sending money to this german account:
ssb e.v.
Kontonummer: 1591 9683 00
BLZ 1001 0111
Stichwort: Knastsolidaritat / Patenschaft Christian

Towards a society without prisons
Freedom for Christian-Freedom for all!

ABC Berlin
- e-mail:
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